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Monday, September 23, 2024

Where Next for the World’s First Author? - Yale University Press

Where Next for the World’s First Author? - Yale University Press: Sophus Helle— Enheduana is the first known author in the history of world literature. She was a royal princess and high priestess who lived in the 23rd century BCE in... READ MORE

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS was the best selling
novel of the 19th century and made into an anti-war film.

TWO MONTHS before the start of WW1 the first woman Nobel Peace Prize recipient died. Her name was Bertha-Von - Suttner.

 As the 100 year anniversary of the 'war to end all wars' is commemorated I think it so important we learn about the Pacifists who were courageous in their arguments and actions in the build up to the major conflicts hoping/praying they would prevent slaughter of millions.
What We Owe to Bertha Von Suttner » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names1905 - Austrian born Bertha von Suttner becomes the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her role in the peace movement and her book, 'Lay Down Your Arms'.

She is worth getting to know if you are looking for inspiration.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


SUNDAY SCHOOL was a hop, skip and a jump away for my twin sisters and I. Brown Owl our leader in the Brownie Guides was also one of the Sunday teachers at St. Wulstan's Church of England hall. It was a creative hive of activity so Mum and Dad could have a sleep-in...Link to St. Wulstan history, Bournbrook and Selly Oak

We learned our God was in Heaven with his son Jesus Christ.
There were also Angels in Heaven standing beside the Golden Throne.
I had seen pictures in books. Somewhere up above the clouds, a place of peace and gentle joy, a place where all your family who have died before you would be waiting to take you by the hand.

If you were good. 

I tried to imagine what Heaven was like. God was like a slim Santa with long white beard, Jesus long white robes and of course the Angels with mighty wings  - God's messengers. Mary must be somewhere. Where was she? 

I trusted what the godly middle-class Anglican folk told me: Jesus wanted me for a sun-beam to shine for him each day, in every way try to please Him, at home, at school, at play...
... Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

Such sweet brain-washing, especially for little me who liked to sing on the hall's stage. St. Wulstan's was my first paid gig, singing in the Choir. 

My neighbours all had portraits of Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus on their wall. Another Roman Catholic perspective I got was enjoying Irish comedian Dave Allen's sketch show on T.V. 
I was the oldest and got to stay up late to baby-sit the twins who were usually in bed by 8 o'clock.

Nuns in full medieval habits were still visible around our streets in the early 1970's. My friend across the road had them as teachers. 

Before I had fully explored notions of Heaven and Hell I became bored and cynical with Catechism around 10 or 11. My parting words to the volunteer teacher on a part of the Biblical passage was, "Do you really believe that?"

Whatever it was has sank into the mud of memory, but mainstream culture kept me plugged into the mysteries and realms of spiritual connection. 

It wasn't until 6th form in a Melbourne second-hand records shop I risked spending my small amount of money on Pink Floyd's 1973 album "The Dark Side of the Moon." 
Persevering as best I could with study to achieve a High School Certificate without parental support, in a safe house, but not my home - 
I listened and felt connected to the wonders of creation. My faith was in the Muse.

This last year I have been absorbed in writing and researching for a historical fiction inspired from what I found in my family tree. It is set during the English Civil War - contests of who has the authority to tell us what to believe, how to believe and whose interpretation of the translated editions of the Holy Gospel are the Truth!

There are various versions of these sectarian battles continuing today in many of the world's religions. In my small life so far I have been witness to 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


IN AUSTRALIA PRISCILLA IS OUR QUEEN OF THE DESERT. She is a lesson in acknowledging the kalaidescope of human beings and the best we have to offer - often in a cultural heritage of bias, judgement, prejudice, homophobia - whatever life means, you've gotta laugh.

The lesson for this Sabbath is to make a virtual visit to Rome - here are the details: Priscilla is revealing herself to us yet again.

As a woman with a brain chemistry which delights in scintillating new knowledge of inspirational other women in history, negated by patriarchal powers, I have a great reason to visit Rome before I kick the bucket!

Vatican unveils frescoes in Catacombs of Priscilla with paintings of FEMALE PRIESTS | Mail Online